
Sunday, June 27, 2010


A seiruv has been officially issued against Gershon Bess for his refusal to appear in front of the Bais Din Kedushas Levi in Monsey, New York. Additionally, the seiruv asks the public to distance themselves from Gershon Bess as he is listed as a sinner, and those that assist him will be absorbed with his sins. In the second letter (upper left), the Bais Din gives testimony to details of the horrific persecution that Meir Kin underwent in the hands of "bribed" rabbis. These include acts of harrassment, intimidations, causing disturbances at his daughters wedding,organizing rallies by his parents home and place of employment. Lonna Kin has informed this Bais Din that she refuses to appear by the advice of her rabbis. Meir kin has arranged a GET at this Bais din and has agreed to arbitrate his matters overhere. This Bais Din distinguishes itself as not charging fees for sending hazmonos or for accepting bribes. The Bais Din further condemms the actions of Avrohom Union, Nochum Sauer, Herschel Schachter, and Yisroel Belski for issuing false rulings as if they were bribed. Even though Yisroel belski regrets signing that false Seiruv, he has to date not issued an apology letter to Meir Kin. The Bais Din lists Gershon Bess as the top instigator amongst them. The letter concludes by requesting the public to assist Meir Kin in any fashion and to save him from their senseless and cruel acts. Those who perform those good deeds will be rewarded for fulfilling several great Mitzvos in the Torah which are listed there.


nancy said...

whatever, This is the best collection of Apology letters

Anonymous said...

Shclechter is the chief pope of reform jewry. and the modernishe orthodox have the chuspah of calling him the godol hador. there are a few hundred yungerlight in lakewood who could learn the swine under the table.

Anonymous said...

he should respond to a din torah. Rabbis are fallable and can err in judgement!

Anonymous said...

I know first hand what Gershon bess has done in Los Angeles. He and Avrohom Union have threatened my husband if he were to expose certain corruptive Kashrut practices that the RCC has been doing. I support Meir Kin's strong stance against Gershon bess and the RCC. May Hashem grant you the strength to continue fighting this evil corrupted rabbinical organization. Dont give up your rights ever. I wish we had your fortitude.